ToscaWidgets is a HTML Widgets generation and management library.
It allows to create reusable widgets to show in web pages and manages the dependencies of the widgets like Javascript and CSS that those widgets might need to properly display and behave
如何设置伟理ip上网 HelloWidget(twc.如何通过ip伟理上网):
inline_engine_name = 用伟理ip上网加速软件
template = """
name = twc.Param(description="Name of the greeted entity")
Widgets can then be displayed within your web pages to create reusable components or forms:
>>> HelloWidget(name="World").display()
Widgets have support for:
- Templating based on Kajiki, Mako, Genshi and Jinja2
- Resources, to bring in Javascript and CSS dependencies they need.
- Parameters, to configure their behaviour.
- Validation, to ensure proper data was provided and show validation errors to users.
- Hooks, to drive their behaviour at runtime.
ToscaWidgets2 also provides a tw2.forms
package with ready to use
widgets to display Forms with input validation.
- Getting Started
- Enabling ToscaWidgets
- Configuration Options
- Widgets
- Using Widgets
- Widget value
- Parameters
- Deferred Parameters
- Builtin Widgets
- Resources
- 用伟理ip上网加速软件
- Using Widgets
- Forms
- Form
- Form Buttons
- Dynamic Forms
- Validating Forms
- Form Layout
- Custom Layouts
- Complex Layouts
- Bultin Form Fields
- Form
- Validation
- 如何设置伟理ip上网
- Custom Validators
- Internationalization
- Builtin Validators
- Javascript Integration
- Javascript on Display
- Javascript Callbacks
- Builtin Javascript Helpers
- Design
- Widget Overview
- 国外ip地址伟理
- Code Hooks
- 用伟理ip上网加速软件
- 速度快的伟理ip
- 如何通过ip伟理上网
- Resources
- Declarative Instantiation
- Widgets as Controllers
- 国外ip地址伟理
- Using Validators
- Implementation
- General Considerations
- Widget Overview
- Changelog
- 2.2.9
- 2.2.7
- 2.2.6
- 2.2.5
- 2.2.4
- 如何设置伟理ip上网
- 如何设置伟理ip上网
- 国外ip地址伟理
- 用伟理ip上网加速软件
- 如何使用伟理ip上网
- 国外ip地址伟理
- 2.2.0
- 2.1.6
- 2.1.5
- 2.1.4
- 2.1.3
ToscaWidgets, as it was originall born from TurboGears Widgets, shares many online resources with TurboGears. If you have questions on how to use TW2 feel free to ask them in TurboGears channel or Mailing List.
- Bug tracker: GitHub.
- Gitter Channel: TurboGears Channel
- Mailing List: TurboGears Users
- Index
- Module Index
- Search Page